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How long are sessions?

1:1 and couples coaching sessions are 60 minutes long. Double sessions and immersions are available, schedule permitting.

How do I begin working with you?

Working with me starts with a free 15-minute call to explore the possibility of working together.

After the call:

  • I’ll send you a proposal based on your needs and desires.

  • We’ll have our first full session.

  • If we’re aligned, we’ll schedule regular sessions, sign a client agreement, and dive in."

Where are you located?

I work with women and couples both online and in Nosara, Costa Rica.

What is the price?

Check the specific offering for pricing

Do you have a sliding scale?

I have a limited number of sliding scale spots available at any given time for those who meet my financial need criteria.


I offer various packages and payment plan options to accommodate different budgets.

How long is a coaching process?

The length of your process depends in large part on you - your goals, desires and pace of growth. Most clients tend to follow one of the following paths:

  • Immersions: best for those who have already done therapy/coaching and want to dive deep on a specific topic (such as sexuality) in a condensed time frame

  • 3 months to learn and integrate specific skills related to intimacy, embodiment and sexuality 

  • 3-6 months to create shifts in longstanding emotional, erotic, embodied patterns 

  • 6-12+ months for transformation and ongoing self-care, development and growth​

How does online coaching work?

Sessions are held on Zoom. All you need is a private space, a free Zoom account, and a WIFI connection.

What kinds of clients get the most out of this kind of coaching?

I work with clients who are stable and resourced enough to undergo deep transformation, and who are open to:

  • Learning, growing, and expanding

  • Moving beyond their comfort zone

  • Experimenting with new ways of connection

  • Exploring their feelings, desires, needs, and boundaries

  • Engaging in somatic/embodied work

Who is online work not a good fit for?

  • Couples struggling with turn-taking in communication or staying in the same room to work through issues

  • Individuals experiencing active mental health concerns or feeling unstable or unsafe

Are sessions confidential?

All sessions are held in 100% confidentiality. Given the sensitive nature of this work, I take great care to protect clients' privacy. 

Are you a therapist or a coach?

I now work exclusively as a somatic intimacy coach and facilitate group workshops and retreats. With an MA in counseling and somatic psychology, I previously practiced as a therapist for individuals and couples outside the US before transitioning to a coaching model.

What makes somatic sexuality and relationship coaching different?​

Embodied & Experiential:
This approach focuses on creating embodied change through mindful inquiry, somatic work (movement, touch, breath), inner child work, relational practices, emotional processing, and psycho-education.


I offer real-time support as clients practice new emotional and relational skills, either with me or their partner, fostering connection and growth.


We create a safe, non-judgmental space to explore sexual desires, boundaries, and needs, unpack shame, and expand pleasure.


How is this different from therapy?

Traditional therapy often focuses on mental health and past experiences, typically through talk therapy. My coaching is about enriching somatic awareness, intimacy, and emotional/erotic connection, in a collaborative, transparent, and shared-power relationship. I openly share my experiences to support client growth.


Are you licensed?

I am not a licensed therapist. I’m on the path to certification as a sex and relationship coach through Somatica® and as a sexologist through the American Board of Sexology. While certification is not required for my practice, I value these networks for their professionalism and standards.


I do not provide medical advice, diagnose, or prescribe. If a client needs support outside my scope, I refer them to trusted professionals.

Do online sessions work?

Yes! I’ve successfully been working with women and couples online for many years and have found many benefits to this format:

  • Privacy and intimacy in your own space

  • The flexibility to meet from anywhere—perfect for those who travel or have multiple homes

  • Convenient and efficient—no need for travel time

  • Somatic work is fully possible online—whether solo or with your partner, I guide you through embodied practices

  • Couples often find that being in their own space enhances intimacy during and after sessions

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